GU_CoordsInGadBox -- Check if a coordinate pair is within a gadget.

	IsInBox = GU_CoordsInGadBox(coords, gad)
	D0,SR(Z)                    D0      A0

	BOOL GU_CoordsInGadBox(ULONG, struct Gadget *);

	Check if a coordinate pair is within a gadget's border. This
	function may be used to make coordinate sensitive AppWindows
	(allows the user to drop a file on a string gadget etc.).
	To use this function, you must save the coordinates from the
	recieved message (AppMessage, IntuiMessage) to have something
	to compare against.

	coords - a combined LONG of both the X and Y coordinates to
		 compare against. The X coordinate should be in the
		 upper word of the parameter.

	gad - the gadget to check the coordinates against.

	IsInBox - TRUE if both given coordinates was within the gadget's
		  outer box (X coord is between gadx and gadx+gadw,
		  Y coord is between gady and gady+gadh). Otherwise this
		  function will return FALSE.

	Assembly language:
		move.l	im_MouseX(a0),d0	; Get X and Y coordinates
		move.l	mystrgad(pc),a0
		move.l	GadUtilBase(pc),a6
		jsr	_LVOGU_CoordsInGadBox(a6)
		beq.b	.notinbox		; Not in gadget box
		; Do what you want to do if the coordinates are
		; within the gadget box
		; Here, you may want to check for some other gadgets

		long coords;
		coords = (LONG)appmsg->MouseX << 16 | appmsg->MouseY;
		if (CoordsInGadBox(coords,mystrgad) = TRUE)
			/* Do what you want to do if the coordinates
			   are within the gadget box */
			/* Here, you may want to check for some other
			   gadgets */

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